Foundations of Macroeconomics

All Categories > Business, Finance & Economics > Macroeconomics

Authors: Robin Bade, Michael Parkin
  • ISBN: 9781447968016
  • Price: LE 95.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 76.00
  • Categories Macroeconomics  
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The Foundations of Macroeconomics by Bade/Parkin, fifth edition shines with a well-targeted content adjustment. In-text examples, dynamic chapter openers, and applications contain compelling content and real-world issues. We elevated MyEconLab (MEL) and integrated the story to ensure that it is a more visual feature. This edition capitalizes on the seamless connection between the text and the e-environment to highlight how the authors' emphasis on continuous practice is integrated throughout the entire Bade/Parkin learning system. The fifth edition MyEconLab course and the accompanying print supplements were written in tandem with the textbook.