Aquaculture and Behavior

All Categories > Biology > Marine Biology

Authors: Felicity Huntingford, Malcolm Jobling, Sunil Kadri
  • ISBN: 9781405130899
  • Price: LE 138.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 110.40
  • Number Of Pages: 358
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Categories Marine Biology  
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Modern aquaculture is faced with a number of challenges, including public concern about environmental impacts and the welfare of farmed fish. A fundamental understanding of fish biology is central to finding ways to meet these challenges and is also essential for maintaining the industry's sustainability.

Aquaculture & Behavior provides such fundamental understanding with reference to behavioral biology, describing how to avoid problems caused by the natural behavior of farmed fish and providing information that, when properly applied, results in significant benefits for both the fish and the farmer.

Written and edited by an authoritative team, Aquaculture & Behavior provides a clear and concise account of aspects of fish biology that are central to aquaculture, gives expert guidance on the behavioral biology of farmed fish and explains how this can be, and is, applied to improve aquaculture practice. Special consideration is given to the role of behavior, why biologists are interested in behavior, and how they study and explain it. The authors focus on the techniques that have been developed for investigating the behavior of fish on farms and the behavior that we require of fish that are cultured for food, for science, for the ornamental trade and for release. The book also discusses and explores the issue of fish welfare and how it can be defined, identified and measured and features strategies for improving the welfare of farmed fish.

Informative and engaging, Aquaculture & Behavior brings the reader up-to-date with major issues pertaining to aquaculture. Everyone from fish farmers to upper level students will find this book a valuable and practical resource. Libraries in universities and research establishments where animal behavior, aquaculture, veterinary and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this work on their shelves.