Technical Communication Today (3rd Edition)

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Authors: Richard Johnson-Sheehan
  • ISBN: 9780205632442
  • Price: LE 73.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 58.40
  • Number Of Pages: 792
  • Edition: 3 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Categories Data Communication & Networking  
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Richard Johnson-Sheehan

Whether you are a college student shaping your future or a professional building your qualifications, Technical Communication Today will prepare you for today’s information-based technical workplace.

Richard Johnson-Sheehan wrote Technical Communication Today to reflect how today’s students learn and technical communicators work–on the computer. Johnson-Sheehan’s driving principle is that the computer is the center of today’s communication, and that beyond being a word processor, it’s a thinking and writing tool. An emphasis on the activity of producing effective documents mirrors the reality of the technical workplace; the processes explained in the text are those followed by technical communicators. Johnson-Sheehan consistently applies rhetorical principles to guide you to creating audience-centered, result-driven documents for today’s reader. The book’s chunked design makes it highly navigable and scannable. This format allows you to raid the book for the information needed to complete a task.

The Companion Website, created concurrently with the Technical Communication Today, is a portal designed to work side-by-side with the text. You can do research, find various examples, learn new communication strategies, and download worksheets. Johnson-Sheehan is a regular presence on the website, available for questions and comments.



MyTechCommLab offers the best multimedia resources for technical writing in one easy-to-use place. Students will find model documents, guidelines, tutorials, and exercises for writing, grammar, and research. Features include:

Actual examples of technical documents in the Model Documents Gallery and Interactive documents collection.

Step-by-step guidance through the writing process with activities and exercises.

The online reference of library e-books, includes Visual Communication and Workplace Literacy readers.

Practice and assessment with grammar skills

Access to the Research Navigator Web site for step-by-step guidance through the research process, discipline-specific library guides, and citation guidelines including MLA and APA. Students also receive access to EBSCO’s ContentSelect and Link Library. A new Research Navigator feature is the AutoCite bibliography maker!

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