Hansel and Gretel

All Categories > Language > English Children Books

Authors: Cynthia Rylant, Jen Corace
  • ISBN: 9781423111863
  • Price: LE 27.20
  • Special Offer Price: LE 21.76
  • Number Of Pages: 40
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Categories English Children Books  
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Kindergarten-Grade 3—Rylant retells the familiar Grimm tale with an emphasis on the courage and character of its young protagonists. She opens by noting that while guardian spirits may protect small children, "Hansel and Gretel" is the story "of children who find the courage to protect themselves." She focuses on the family dynamics: the weakness of their father, the cruel machinations of the bitter stepmother, and the effect on the children. The language is forceful and direct throughout: the siblings learn that wickedness takes many forms, and that a smile often masks evil intentions. After escaping the witch, the children are helped on their way home by a large swan, and Rylant surmises that perhaps guardian spirits finally intervene "when small children have already been so brave." Complementing this retelling, Corace's pen-and-ink artwork features neutral hues and sober-faced children. The book has an old-fashioned, handcrafted look with illustrations and text carefully placed on each page. There are many fine versions of this tale, including Rika Lesser and Paul O. Zelinsky's version (Dutton, 1999), but libraries will want to add this distinctive retelling for Rylant's strong-minded voice and Corace's attractive art.—Marilyn Taniguchi, Beverly Hills Public Library, CA.