In modern day Manhattan, one young man's life is about to take a surprising turn. When Dave Stutler wanders into a strange shop downtown, he can never imagine the consequences. It turns out that Dave is no ordinary boy--he is a Merlinian. As a descendent of the most famous sorcerer in history, Dave has untapped powers. The problem is, certain people don't want him to ever use them. Led by Horvath, a Morganian (descendents of the evil sorcereress Morgana), this group will stop at nothing to destroy Dave and unleash darkness upon the world. Dave will have to rely on the help of his mentor, Baltazhar Blake, to find his inner strength and help save the world. The Answer is Yes takes fans inside the making of The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Written by the unit publicist and full of beautiful concept illustrations, set designs, character bios, film scenes, and introductions and afterwords by Jerry Bruckheimer (producer) and Jon Turteltaub (director), will be a must for collectors and fans. The slightly oversized landscape trim format, the cover effects, and the gatefolds will also make this a unique and stunning addition to anyone's coffee table.