Handbook of Logic and Language, Second Edition (Elsevier Insights)

All Categories > Language > English Language

Authors: Johan F.A.K. Van Benthem, Alice Ter Meulen
  • ISBN: 9780444537263
  • Price: LE 384.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 307.20
  • Number Of Pages: 1168
  • Edition: 2 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Categories English Language  
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This is an expanding field and the logical study of language is becoming more interdisciplinary playing a role in disciplines such as computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science and game theory.

Completely revised and updated, this new edition, written by the leading experts in the field, presents an overview of the latest developments at the interface of logic and linguistics as well as providing a historical perspective. It is divided into three parts covering Frameworks, General Topics and Descriptive Themes.

Completely revised and updated - includes over 25% new material

Discusses the interface between logic and language

Many of the authors are either the creators or very active developers of the theories they write about.