Marketing Plan Handbook, The, and Pro Premier Marketing Plan Package (3rd Edition)

All Categories > Business, Finance & Economics > Marketing Management

Authors: Marian Burk Wood
  • ISBN: 9780135136287
  • Price: LE 66.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 52.80
  • Number Of Pages: 224
  • Edition: 3 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Categories Marketing Management  
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How do you get your students actively engaged in applying concepts while writing a marketing plan? What types of tools would you like to help guide them along in the creation process? How do you integrate the ever-changing business environment into the idea of writing marketing plans?

Never has a carefully crafted, properly implemented marketing plan been more important to business success. The text illustrates how marketing planning is actually applied in consumer and business markets, in large and small companies, in traditional and online businesses, and in nonprofit organizations. To reinforce this real-world view, key examples also demonstrate how today’s global economy and dynamic business environment can cause marketers to change their plans as the situation evolves. Through specific features, the text encourages students to formulate imaginative, yet realistic, marketing plans.

0135136288 / 9780135136287 Marketing Plan Handbook, The, and Pro Premier Marketing Plan Package

Package consists of

0132237555 / 9780132237550 Marketing Plan Handbook,

0132237571 / 9780132237574 Marketing PlanPro Premier.