Introduction to Solid Modeling Using Solidworks 2008

All Categories > Chemistry

Authors: William E. Howard
  • ISBN: 9780071263580
  • Price: LE 105.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 84.00
  • Edition: 4th edition
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Categories Chemistry   Design & Workshope  
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This text presents solid modeling not just as a communication tool, but as an essential part of the design process. To this end, the text explores design intent, the use of solid models in engineering analysis, and introduces techniques from manufacturing such as mold design and sheet metal patterning.

Howard and Musto provide a student-friendly presentation filled with easy to use tutorials. Their approach is also designed to help students understand how engineering is used in the real world. For instance, modeling exercises are largely centered on examples drawn from industrial applications. FREE Solid Works software is now available to students with an access card, so students can apply exactly what they are reading!