Make smart business decisions!
Recognizing that most students will become managers, and not accountants, Jiambalvo’s Managerial Accounting, Second Edition focuses on the knowledge and skills that managers need to make good business decisions. Students and instructors alike have praised the clear and concise writing style – discussions are to the point, ideas are illustrated, and examples are presented to make the ideas concrete.
Here’s how it works:
1. Present a new business decision-making framework.
Every chapter is linked to decision making with a feature called Making Business Decisions. The feature has a Knowledge and Skills Checklist that you can use off the concepts and techniques that you’ve learned in the chapter.
2. Emphasizes two key themes.
Jiambalvo focuses on two key themes that will help you in the business world: Incremental Analysis (the analysis of the differences in revenue and in costs between decision alternatives) and You Get What You Measure! (performance measures greatly influence the behaviors of managers).
3. Provides clear, current, and concise coverage.
The text addresses a wide number of current and emerging topics in managerial accounting, such as the balanced scorecard and economic value added (EVA). New chapters cover Variable Costing, Pricing Decisions, and Analyzing Financial Statements.
4. Connects concepts and techniques to the real world.
New examples relate concepts to service companies.
Links to Practice boxes relate the text material to real companies.
Cases in each chapter promote critical and applied thinking.
5. Includes a state-of-the-art CD-ROM and Web site, featuring:
Videos with real managers.
Self-Tests and other study tools.
Demonstrations of important concepts and techniques.
Additional cases that require you to use your managerial accounting knowledge.