For the gynecological conditions and medical management surgical therapy continues to be vital and more so to deal with the disorders of pelvic floor, pelvic organ prolapsed, benign vulvae, vaginal, uterine and surgical conditions, ablative and excision therapy for intraepithelial Neoplasia along with radical surgeries for genital malignancies are treated through the vaginal route. To acquaint upcoming gynecologists with surgical procedures and especially vaginal surgery this book plays a vital role and covers almost all aspects of vaginal surgery. Section I: Surgical Anatomy of Female Genital Tract, 1. Vulva: Anatomy, Blood Supply and Lymphatic Drainage, 2. Pelvic Diaphragm and Supports of Uterus, 3. Uterus and Cervix: Relations, Blood Supply and Lymphatic Drainage, 4. Adnexa in Relation to Vaginal Surgery, 5. Applied Anatomy of Ureter in Relation to Vaginal Surgery, Section II: Preoperative Care, Operation Theatre, Sutures and Instruments, 6. Current Concepts in Preoperative Care, 7. Thromboprophylaxis for Vaginal Surgery, 8. Reducing Surgical Risk for HIV and Hepatitis B Infection, 9. Operating Tables, OT Lighting and Positions for Vaginal Surgery, 10. Electrosurgical Cautery Units, 11. Sutures and Suturing Techniques, 12. Instruments for Vaginal Surgery, Section III: Anesthesia, Blood Transfusion and Sterilization Techniques, 13. Anesthetic Considerations for Vaginal Surgery, 14. Blood Transfusion: Guidelines, Recommendations and Complications, 15. Sterilization and Disinfection of Surgical Instruments and Endoscopes, Section IV: Vulval Surgery, 16. Vulval Disorders (Non-neoplastic and Premalignant), Biopsy Techniques and Wide Local Excision, 17. Hymenectomy, Labial Fusion Release, Introital Widening, Schuchardts Incision, 18. Bartholins Gland Surgery: Incision and Drainage, Marsupialization and Excision, 19. Simple Vulvectomy for Intraepithelial Neoplasia, 20. Radical Vulvectomy with Groin Dissection, 21. Vestibulectomy for Vulvodynia, Section V: Vaginal Surgery for Prolapse and Reconstructive Vaginal Surgery, 22. Current Concepts of Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Evaluation and Choice of Procedure, 23. Surgical Correction of Anterior Compartment Defects, 24. Surgical Correction of Posterior Compartment Defects, 25. Manchester Repair, 26. Vaginal Hysterectomy and Enterocele Repair, 27. Sacrospinous Colpopexy , 28. Posthysterectomy Vault Prolapse, 29. Complete Perineal Tear, 30. Radical Vaginal Hysterectomy, 31. Vaginectomy, 32. Colpocleisis, 33. Culdocentesis and Colpotomy, 34. Skin and Muscle Grafts, 35. Creation of Neovagina, 36. Excision of Transverse and Longitudinal Vaginal Septum, 37. Fallopian Tube Prolapse and Tubal Ligation, Section VI: Surgery of Cervix, 38. Cervical Biopsy Techniques, 39. Ablative (Cryotherapy) and Excision (Leep) Procedures for Cin, 40. Cervical Incompetence and Cervical Cerclage Techniques, Section VII: Non-Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy, 41. Basic and Clampless Techniques, 42. Volume Reductive Vaginal Hysterectomy, 43. Technique of Ndvh in Nulliparous, Obese and Women with Previous Surgeries, 44. Laparoscopic and Vaginal Adnexectomy, Section VIII: Genital Fistulae, Rectal Prolapse and Stress Urinary Incontinence, 45. Vesicovaginal Fistula, 46. Rectovaginal Fistulae, 47. Rectal Prolapse with Anal Incontinence, 48. Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence, Section IX: Postoperative Care49. Postoperative Management in Vaginal Surgery, 50. Complications of Vaginal Surgery.