Crafting and Executing Strategy - Text and Readings

All Categories > Business, Finance & Economics > Strategic Management

Authors: Thompson
  • ISBN: 9780071181419
  • Price: LE 56.00
  • Special Offer Price: LE 44.80
  • Edition: 12th Edition Edition
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Categories Strategic Management  
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New chapters in this 12th edition demonstrate the authors' commitment to the most up-to-date conceptual coverage. Given the modern economy, most strategy discussion books need to include internet economy discussions to be complete. This 12th edition takes a look at the strategies for competing in globalizing markets. In response to readers' and reviewers' suggestions, the authors have carefully edited the theoretical presentation to make it more concise and added more real-world examples throughout the text. Instructor presentation manager CD-ROM is new to this edition, The Presentation Manager allows instructors to create classroom presentations using PowerPoint, videos, and all the print supplements.