Only authorized textbook of the Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA curriculum
Maps to revised 3.0 Web-based curriculum
Expanded chapters on difficult topics
Expanded CD-ROM that includes CCNA practice questions, e-Labs, PhotoZooms, and more
For use within the CCNA 1 and 2 courses within the Cisco Networking Academy Program. There are currently over 130,000 students enrolled in the CCNA program through the Networking Academy. The revised CCNA 3.0 will be available to the instructors in the spring 2003. This Companion Guide will map directly to the new curriculum and is considered the core textbook of the course. It presents the students with strong pedagogy and learning aids. In addition, the book goes beyond the Web-based course with enhanced chapters on more difficult subjects, such as VLSM, cabling, and ripV2. The companion CD-ROM includes over 300 CCNA practice questions to begin preparation for the CCNA exam, e-Lab Activities, PhotoZooms of equipment, and instructional videos.
The authors are the developers of the Web-based Curriculum for the Cisco Networking Academy Program. The developers and authors of this book have extensive teaching backgrounds and are experts in the online learning environment.