A Developer's Guide to Amazon Simpledb (Developer's Library)

All Categories > Computer Science > Internet & Web

Authors: Mocky Habeeb
  • ISBN: 9780321623638
  • Price: LE 76.80
  • Special Offer Price: LE 61.44
  • Number Of Pages: 288
  • Edition: 1 Edition
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • Categories Internet & Web  
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The Complete Guide to Building Cloud Computing Solutions with Amazon SimpleDB

Using SimpleDB, any organization can leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon’s powerful cloud-based computing platform–and dramatically reduce the cost and resources associated with application infrastructure. Now, for the first time, there’s a complete developer’s guide to building production solutions with Amazon SimpleDB.

Pioneering SimpleDB developer Mocky Habeeb brings together all the hard-to-find information you need to succeed. Mocky tours the SimpleDB platform and APIs, explains their essential characteristics and tradeoffs, and helps you determine whether your applications are appropriate for SimpleDB. Next, he walks you through all aspects of writing, deploying, querying, optimizing, and securing Amazon SimpleDB applications–from the basics through advanced techniques.

Throughout, Mocky draws on his unsurpassed experience supporting developers on SimpleDB’s official Web forums. He offers practical tips and answers that can’t be found anywhere else, and presents extensive working sample code–from snippets to complete applications.

With A Developer’s Guide to Amazon SimpleDB you will be able to

Evaluate whether a project is suited for Amazon SimpleDB

Write SimpleDB applications that take full advantage of SimpleDB’s availability, scalability, and flexibility

Effectively manage the entire SimpleDB application lifecycle

Deploy cloud computing applications faster and more easily

Work with SELECT and bulk data operations

Fine tune queries to optimize performance

Integrate SimpleDB security into existing organizational security plans

Write and enhance runtime SimpleDB clients

Build complete applications using AJAX and SimpleDB

Understand low-level issues involved in writing clients and frameworks

Solve common SimpleDB usage problems and avoid hidden pitfalls

This book will be an indispensable resource for every IT professional evaluating or using SimpleDB to build cloud-computing applications, clients, or frameworks.